
Welcome to ELY Knits, where you’ll find yarn reviews, tutorials, patterns, and more for all levels of machine knitters.

Current Posting Schedule: 2nd & 4th Fridays

Latest from the Blog

How to Store Your Knitting Machine

I don’t know many machine knitters who have just one knitting machine. After all, there are three common gauges (4.5mm standard, 6.5mm, mid-gauge, and 9mm bulky) that knit different yarn sizes. It’s wonderful if you’re fortunate enough to have the space to leave all three sizes of machines set up, but that’s not the reality…

The EEW Cone Winder- Unboxing and Initial Thoughts

If you’re familiar with the Electric Eel Spinning Wheel, you might know that Maurice Ribble of Dreaming Robots, the mind behind the magic, recently released an electric cone winder!  I backed the project on Kickstarter in 2022. I have only backed three or four Kickstarter projects, but I have to say, Dreaming Robots was great…

Machine Knitting Techniques: Texture and 3D Effects

If you have a little bit of Christmas Cash and you feel like investing in yourself for the New Year, pick up the newly-released Texture and 3D Effects Machine Knitting Techniques book. Amber Hards teaches texture and playfulness in her essential addition to the series. “[Hards] encourages you to explore and experiment with confidence to…

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